Nido del Picchio | A staff, the pursuit for simplicity

Ristorante Nido del Picchio, Cucina d'autore in Carpaneto Piacentino

Our staff

Thanks to the creative interior design by Lucy, our absolute pride is to share with you our relaxing elegant environment and her genuinely warm, discreet welcome to each and every individual who arrives at the doors of “Nido del Picchio”
We want our guests to always feel at home with us and know they are always welcomed back.
The focus of the head Chef Daniele is for guests to remain at the heart and forefront of his work so they always receive something truly special.
In his own words:

“I do not simply produce a plate of food, what i strive for professionally is to create visual and culinary emotions which make memorable moments”
This is the philosophy of Daniele, who’s role in the kitchen is to continue enhancing his lifelong skills and development in revolutionary yet traditional ways.

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